Admission to the Exchange Program is highly selective. Hundreds of spaces are available each year. You should plan ahead for your exchange journey before applying in the following orders:
1. Review Partner Universities and Exchange Semester Reports
Before making a decision, reading about each business school, visiting their websites and reading senior exchange reports will help you on planning your exchange.
2. Research Courses and Recheck Course Equivalencies
Not every course is offered every semester in partner universities so you should follow the links on their course catalog page to list your preferred courses. You can also review courses from senior reports. Be sure to pay attention to semesters and course levels. More course equivalencies should be sent on BBA system.
3. Study Rules and Regulations
You should prepare yourself by studying the following important Rules and Regulations:
More explanation will be provided in the Consulting Session.
4. Discuss with your parents
You must be given a permission from your parents to participate in the desired partner university. Parents will financially sponsor you throughout the Exchange Program.
5. Find Scholarship
6. Check Eligibility Requirements and Exchange Quota
BBA will announce the eligibility requirements and quota once in an academic year. Quota will be set for both semesters, Fall and Spring. You should recheck your GPAX and English result whether they meet the requirements or not.
7. Take English Test and Send Online English result to BBA
Either TOEFL or IELTS must be submitted.
TOEFL : score of 79/550 is required. (79+/550+ is recommended) or
IELTS (for UK) : score of 6.5 is required. (6.5+ is recommended)
The online English Result should be submitted to BBA at least 2 weeks before the Online Score Submission starts using the following code:
TOEFL : 4559 BBA Chulalongkorn
IELTS : 138499 BBA Chulalongkorn
The English test must be taken within the past two years to be considered valid.
8. Consult BBA Office (refer to Application Calendar)
You are required to consult the home university coordinator (P'Oil) to obtain further information about university, course equivalency and study plan.
Eligibility Requirements
1. Year – Applicants must be a third or fourth year student. Fourth year student can participate in Partner University for Fall semester only.
2. GPAX - Applicants must achieve a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 out of 4.0.
3. English Result – Applicants must achieve a minimum score as follows:
3.1 TOEFL score of 79/550 is required. (79+/550+ is recommended) or
3.2 IELTS (for UK) score of 6.5 is required. (6.5+ is recommended)
4. Records – Applicants will be automatically rejected if they have the following records.
4.1 Record of Behavioral penalties and/or academic suspension
4.2 Record of Absence from all required activities offered by BBA Program
“In particular, the students who get deducted 30 or more penalty points will be sanctioned by preventing them from participating in the BBA exchange program”
5. Concurrent Application – Applicants have no concurrent applications to other exchange programs. If the BBA office finds out at any point of the process, your application will be dropped and your exchange privilege will be moved to the next semester.
Application Calendar

Application Process
Follow these instructions strictly Incomplete applications will be automatically rejected. There are 3 steps as follows:
Step 1 : Online Score (GPAX and English Score) Submission
Username: Student ID Number without 26 (Ex. 55438432)
Password : the numbers and letters logging in the CU NET
The online score will be opened 2 days (refer to Exchange Application Process) from 9.00 am. of the first day to 12.00 noon of the second day.
1.2 Complete the profile form.
1.3 Submit the GPAX and English result through the system.
The full scale of GPAX and full mark of English Tests will be as follows:
GPAX = 4.00
TOEFL = 120
Step 2 : Online Application
Username: Student ID Number without 26 (Ex. 55438432)
Password: the numbers and letters logging in the CU NET
The online application will be opened 2 days (refer to Exchange Application Process) from 9.00 am. of the first day to 17.00 pm. of the second day.
2.2 Your score - GPAX & English Result - (How to calculate the GPAX and English result) will be used to determine priority in university selection.
Please note that after you GPAX and English result have been considered, one of followings words will be appeared:
Verified – It means that your GPAX and English result are matched with the hard copies. You are eligible to choose 3 partner universities and rank them by personal preference.
Not Verified – It means that your GPAX and English result are not matched with the hard copies or you don’t meet our requirements. You are ineligible to choose Partner University.
2.3 One out of your three chosen universities will be selected and you will find a notice, "You have registered in ___". You are now eligible for an exchange semester at their partner university. If you do not registered in any, your may choose other universities. However, your selected university may be changed within 2 days if someone more eligible choose it.
2.4 The result will be announced a day later at 17.00 pm. Students who fail to report and confirm participation after the final selection is made will forgo their exchange privileges of the semester.
Step 3 : Requisition Form and Required Documents Submission
Please submit one set of the following documents on BBA system in Document Submission Menu:
3.1 completed requ An academic transcript isition form (generated by the system)
3.2 An online version transcript
3.3 A copy of TOEFL or IELTS score (taken within two years of the application date)
3.4 A current resume – Download Resume Template
3.5 A statement of purpose essay (Maximum one page describing your background, interest in the university you chose, and your expectation of participation benefits)
3.6 A copy of passport with “Certified True Copy” and your signature
3.7 A copy of student ID card with “Certified True Copy” and your signature
After Selection Announcement: Nomination
Selected students will be nominated by email or online nomination to the Partner University with some basic information (name-last name, major, date of birth, email, etc.).
After Nomination: Partner University’s Application Process and Acceptance Letter
Once you have been nominated to a partner university, you will receive the application process email from the partner university and are required to complete that university’s application as an exchange student.
Each university has a different application process. You will be suggested to apply for one of following the partner university's process strictly.
BBA will be responsible for posting the application and supporting documents to partner universities except for the housing application and visa documents. You must submit the document to BBA 3 weeks before the deadline.
Important : Student should follow application instructions carefully and submit the application and required documents to the partner university ON TIME. If you have concerns or need help, please let the BBA Office know.
Acceptance letter
Partner University will send the letter (hard copy and/or soft file) to BBA around the following period:
- Fall semester – mid May to late June
- Spring semester – late October to the late of November
An email will be sent to the student to pick it up at BBA Office and this letter will be required for visa application.
Before Departure
The Student should check if you have done the following things before departure:
1. Registration Process at partner university
Note : Outgoing student is not required to register for courses at Chula.
2. Accommodation
3. Visa
4. Plane Ticket
5. Insurance
6. Tuition fee and Special fee Payment to Chula.
Nationality |
Payment |
Tuition Fee (Baht) |
Special Fee (Baht) |
Thai |
21,000 |
84,000 |
Non-Thai |
76,000 |
84,000 |
- Tuition fee of 21,000 Baht in a form of a cashier’s check payable to “Chulalongkorn University”
- Special tuition fee, fill in and print out a payment form at
Additional information will be provided in the Session before Leaving.
Before your return
Before you return you should
1. Request the transcript online or ask the partner university coordinator to send a transcript directly to the BBA Office.
2. Register online for BBA courses.
3. Write the exchange report.
Course Confirmation
All students must confirm to-be-transferred courses at the exchange registration website: by the following deadline. Otherwise, BBA international program will transfer all courses listed on the student’s transcript issued by the partner university.
Fall : 1 October – 30 November
Spring : 1 March – 30 April
Course Confirmation Submission
Username : Student ID Number without 26 (Ex. 55438432)
Password : the numbers and letters logging in the CU NET
2. Click “Add New Course”
3. Write in the following topics:
3.1 Course Code
3.2 Course Full name
3.3 Course Abbreviation
3.4 Partner University Credit (s)
3.5 Type of Course
3.6 Transfer to BBA’s course (260xxxx)
4. Click “Save”
Example :
1. Course Code: COMM375A
2. Course Full Name: International Business and the Non Market Environment
3. Course Abbreviation: INT BUS/NON MKT EN
No - int bus/non mkt en
No - comm375a int bus/non mkt en
No - comm375a
No - COMM375A
4. Partner University Credit (s): 6
5. Type of Course: Core Course
6. Transfer to BBA Course: 2602371 Principles of International Business Management
Course codes and names of FREE ELECTIVE
2600301 STUDY ABROAD I (1 credit)
2600302 STUDY ABROAD II (1 credit)
2600303 STUDY ABROAD III (1 credit)
2600304 STUDY ABROAD I (2 credits)
2600305 STUDY ABROAD II (2 credits)
2600306 STUDY ABROAD III (2 credits)
2600307 STUDY ABROAD I (3 credits)
2600308 STUDY ABROAD II (3 credits)
Free Elective Course Choosing
You have taken 2 free elective courses; 1 credit for Makeup and 1 credit for Camping.
You can choose the following course in the system:
1st free elective course
1. Course Code: MK100
2. Course Full Name: Make Up for Beginners
3. Course Abbreviation: MAKE UP BEGINNERS
4. Partner University Credit (s): 1
5. Type of Course: Free Elective Course
6. Transfer to BBA Course: 2600301 STUDY ABROAD I (1 credit)
2nd free elective course
1. Course Code: CP101
2. Course Full Name: Advanced Camping
3. Course Abbreviation: ADV CAMPING
4. Partner University Credit (s): 1
5. Type of Course: Free Elective Course
6. Transfer to BBA Course: 2600302 STUDY ABROAD II (1 credit)
It's too easy!
Course Abbreviation can be download here