PROD OPER MGT Class' Field Trip at ICHITAN Factorys

Nov 06 2014
Written by: Mr. Pongsan Ahkuputra, BBA#17
On a beautiful Sunday of 2 November 2014, BBA students of the Product and Operations Management course for the Fall Semester had the privilege to travel to Phra Nakorn Sri Ayutthaya Province to visit the Green Factory and TAN-LAND of ICHITAN Group company, one of the most influential and successful firms in the rapidly growing Green Tea Market in Thailand. We were given an extensive tour of the Education center and gained fruitful insights into the process of green-tea-manufacturing and the logistics and supply chain that contributes to the highly efficient manufacturing processes. At the same time, we also felt inspired by ICHITAN Group’s ideology as a company that aims to consistently give back to society in a vast variety of ways. 
This rare opportunity allowed us to see for ourselves how the theories and knowledge we gain from the lectures are used and applied in real practice by a successful company. More importantly, through being part of the experience, we were able to gain a better understanding of how one of the leading firms can thrive and prevail in such a highly competitive market through their approach of operational excellence, understanding customer needs, and being socially responsible. 
As business students, our knowledge can only bear fruit once we learn to apply it effectively in the real world. Indeed, the best way to learn is to learn from the best, and this experience is definitely one we can reflect a lot on.
Thanks Asst. Prof. Dr. Siri-on and BBA staff for bring our group there.