BBA Orientation Trip for Freshmen 2017

Written by: Siyang Wang, ID 60 (BBA#22)   On the early morning of June 15, we BBA batch #22 students gathered ourselves before the buses bounded for our Orientation Trip…
Jun 20 2017

2017 Major Selection Session

Written by Ms. Rawibun Sawattananond, BBA#21   In today's major selection session, professors from different major have come and gave information each major specifically.  They have clarified to us about…
May 20 2017

2017 Study Trip in Seoul, South Korea (International Business & Financial Analysis and Investment major )

The 4th year International Business and Financial Analysis and Investment major students had the opportunityto visit Seoul, South Korea, on March 11 - 17, 2017. This trip provided a chance…
May 07 2017

2017 Study Trip in Seoul, South Korea (Accounting major)

The 4th year Accounting major students had the opportunityto visit Seoul, South Korea, on March 4-10, 2017. This trip provided a chance for students to visit important business enterprises in…
Apr 14 2017