Written by: Ms. Pemika Chanchamcharat (Patty), Accounting, 3rd year.
On April 13th, 2019, Flamingo Consulting won the first runner-up title at University of Washington’s Global Business Case Competition in Seattle, Washington, USA.
The team competed against other 15 leading universities from around the world, such as University of Southern California, Copenhagen Business School and Rotterdam School of Management.
The format of the competition was one 5-hour case and one 24-hour case. In the short case, participants were asked to analyze external threats to Netflix in the next 5 years, and the results were used for placing benefits in the final round. The final 24-hour case was about expanding Amazon Go, a cashier-less convenience store, into the global market. The team had the chance to present their final recommendations towards a panel of judges which include executives from well-known companies such as Starbucks, Boeing and Costco.
The team would like to express their sincerest gratitude and appreciation to the BBA International Program for providing the valuable opportunity and Case Club Chulalongkorn for the endless support and trainings. The team would also like to thank their advisor, Dr. Nat Kulvanich, for supporting them both prior to and during the competition.
Below are the thoughts of our members:
“As a senior of the team, I can never explain how proud and thrilled I am that this team was able to achieve this. Due to various circumstances, we were only able to practice with all four members when we were already at the competition. I can only hope that our chemistry would work, but in the end, it didn’t only work but this team had so much synergy. Despite having little or almost no experience, the traits that are very prominent in my team members are grit and diligence. They are willing to accept new challenges, learn from their mistakes, go sleepless nights and be under tremendous pressure. They set a clear and ambitious goal of winning and they pushed forward with all their might, and they made it. I believe that this mindset will shift them to unprecedented growth and success in the future. As an amateur team leader, I’m also very thankful for their trust and support, allowing me to believe in myself and step out of my comfort zone. Lastly, I would like to also show my appreciation to our advisors, Ajarn Nat and Ajarn Buraj, our seniors, P Bos and P sea, and our fellow club member, Noon, for their endless support and advice for our team.” - Ms. Siremon Thongparn (Pim), Accounting, 4th year
“It is an honor to represent Chulalongkorn among a group of international students in Seattle, Washington. The results reflect not only the hard work my teammates have put into preparing, but also the high level of trust we had among us. We support each other’s strengths and fill in for the weaknesses. Instead of blaming each other for past mistakes, we would sit down and ask ‘how can we, as a team, improve on your next round’ and ‘how can I, as an individual, help contribute to that change’. This, I believe, allowed us to achieve what we did. In addition, I would like to give thanks to all the professors, alumni, and club members who gave us valuable advice that contribute to our success. We could not have done it without your kind help.” - Ms. Pemika Chanchamcharat (Patty), Accounting, 3rd year.
“I am grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this team and join GBCC. As this is the first time I am going to international competition, I can fully say that I am in the right team and join the right competition. I have learned a lot from my teammates during preparation and competition. They were very supportive and brought out the best in me. I also would like to thank you Aj Nat, Aj Buraj, P’Sea, P’Boss and P’Noon for taking their time to help us. We would not reach this point without their help. I would surely remember this competition throughout my future years of case cracking.” – Ms. Panisa Thunyalaksanakul (Pang), Finance, 2nd year
“I could not explain how fortunate I am to be a part of my team and participate in such a memorable event. Through the beginning until the end, we went through the lowest low to the highest high together; and our team only get stronger and better as time passes. I learned so much and I enjoyed all the time spent together with my team during training and competition. I cannot express how grateful I am to be in such a supportive environment. Although this is only my first case, it will definitely remain to be one of my favourite competition in years to come.” – Mr. Jatejit Jitjang (Jino), Finance, 2nd year
The competition results are as follows:
- 1st Place: Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
- 2nd Place: Chulalongkorn University, Thailand