Written by : Ms. Nattaya Sithisarankul (Sandy), IB major, 4th year.
On the week of 23-29 February 2020, A(Y)CE Consulting won the first runner-up title at the 12th edition of Concordia University’s John Molson Undergraduate Case Competition (JMUCC).
The team competed against other 27 leading universities from around the world, such as University of Toronto, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, University of New South Wales, and University of Pennsylvania. The competition is organized in 2 parts: round-robin (three 3-hour cases) and one 24-hour case. The 3-hour cases allowed only 2 computer laptops and prohibited the use of premade templates and the internet, while the 24-hour case that featured Walmart Canada was interactive with 3 challenges given to each team at unannounced time intervals to complicate the case cracking and simulate the dynamic business world.
In the preliminary round, A(Y)CE Consulting ranked first in its division against HEC Montreal, University of the Isthmus, and University of Toronto, and could proceed to the final round where the team presented their bold and creative solution to Walmart’s executives and finished as the 2nd Place.
The team would like to express their sincerest gratitude and appreciation to the BBA International Program for providing the valuable opportunity and Case Club Chulalongkorn for the endless support and trainings. The team would also like to thank their advisor, Dr. Tim Noparumpa, for supporting them both prior to and during the competition.
Below are the thoughts of our members:
“JMUCC is, no doubt, one of the toughest case competitions in the world. As we met 27 teams and cracked 4 cases in only one week, the competition really shaped me to be a better person both professionally and personally. Thank you, Aj Tim, for supporting and being the coolest advisor. We can feel your determination and excitement from our day 1. Thank you, Sandy, Bo, and Nan, for the amazing ups and downs that we shared together. It has been a pleasure spending time practicing and laughing with all of you.
Lastly, I would like to thank BBA Chula, for this unforgettable opportunity. I am glad that JMUCC is my last case competition in my university life.” – Mr. Pakorn Chavanalikikorn (Peng), Finance, 4th year.
“Going through such a challenging competition, like JMUCC, would not have been possible without my diligent and super fun teammates. I want to sincerely thank them for supporting one another and keeping on learning and improving together despite all the challenges we had been through during the past months. I would also like to thank aj.Tim who is greatly invested in our development and success, your support meant the world for us. Thank you, BBA Case Club members and BBA Chula staff, your continuous support made our achievement possible, and I wish it is something even more celebrated than our success itself. JMUCC, to me, is not only my last and most rewarding competition, but a tangible proof that the learning curve is endless. And I am grateful for all the learning opportunities I have received here at BBA Chula.” – Ms. Nattaya Sithisarankul (Sandy), Internaional Business, 4th year.
“It has been an honor representing Chulalongkorn University in an international competition, and I could not express how grateful I am for such opportunity. Being in a supportive team, I had learnt so much and gained so many amazing memories. I’m very thankful for my team members - p’Sandy, p’Peng, and n’Nan - who help bring out the best in me and push me to do the best I can. And we could not have come this far without the help of our advisor, aj. Tim, who has guided us since the beginning. Lastly, I would like to thank BBA case club, alumni, seniors and fellow club members for giving me this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. JMUCC will always be one of the most memorable experiences in my university life.” - Ms. Papada Manotaya (Bo), Finance, 3rd year.
“As the only 2nd year member of the team, I could not explain how fortunate I am to be part of this amazing journey and to be able to represent Chulalongkorn University in such a prestigious case competition. I would like to say thank you to all my team members, P’Peng, P’Sandy, and P’Bo, for your hard work and contribution to our team. With our ambitious goal of bringing back the trophy to the university, we have pushed ourselves beyond our limits by accepting new challenges and learning from our mistakes. This success is no coincidence but instead a result of our dedication, passion, and synergy as a team. Also, I would like to show my appreciation to our beloved advisor, Ajarn Tim, for his valuable advice and dedication to our team. I am very grateful for your trust and support, which have shaped me to become stronger and wiser in every aspect. Lastly, I would like to say thank you to all seniors, alumni, and BBA case club members for their kind support throughout our journey. We could not come this far without your help.” - Ms. Arpanan Chantree (Nan), Accounting, 2nd year.
The competition results are as follows:
- 1st Place: University of South Carolina, the USA
- 2nd Place: Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
- 3rd Place: University of Pennsylvania, the USA
- 4th Place: Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
- 5th Place: Maastricht University, Germany
- 6th Place: Queensland University of Technology, Australia
- 7th Place: University of New South Wales, Australia