Written by: Mr. Phunyavit Phunyaphibarn (Sam), Finance, 4th year
From 15 to 26 April 2021, Cascades Consulting competed in the University of Washington’s Global Business Case Competition (GBCC) 2021 and won the second runner-up title.
This competition is hosted by the University of Washington - Michael G. Foster School of Business (Seattle, Washington, USA). The format of this competition was a virtual 3-day case, in which our team was tasked with creating an investment report on Tesla and presenting it to potential investors. The team competed against 23 leading universities from around the world, including the University of Southern California, National University of Singapore, and Erasmus University.
We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to the BBA International Program Chulalongkorn University for this valuable opportunity and Chulalongkorn Case Club for all the training and support. We would also like to thank our advisor, Dr. Tim Noparumpa, for supporting us both in preparing for the competition and during the competition itself.
Below are the thoughts of our members:
“All in all, it was an extremely interesting case competition especially having Tesla as case company. Despite it being virtual this year due to covid situation, I believe it was still awesome. This is actually my first time making it into the finalists on an international competition. I would like to thank our team for working really hard, and I truly believe that we have earned the spot in the finalists. Hopefully, we would be able to bring more trophies home to Chulalongkorn University in the future.” – Mr. Panat Wareerinsiri (Titan), Finance, 3rd year
“This case competition is truly unique, both in terms of the format and content. Getting to do a 3-day investment case competition and compete against 23 other top universities from all over the world is probably the best last international case competition I could have ever asked for. The fact that the case company is Tesla and that the format is unexpected made it uniquely challenging as we had to start finding the optimal case cracking process from scratch. It made those three days exhausting, but our efforts paid off when we got third place! I could not have done it without my teammates Sea, Titan, and Nan, or our advisor Ajarn Tim. Thank you for making this competition a great one.” – Mr. Phunyavit Phunyaphibarn (Sam), Finance, 4th year
“Despite the ongoing COVID-19 situation, I am very grateful for this opportunity to represent Chulalongkorn University in the GBCC. This Tesla investment case is definitely one of the most interesting and challenging cases I have ever cracked. However, I believe that it has greatly accelerated my skills, especially in terms of finance. Going through such a challenging competition would not have been possible without my lovely teammates: P’Sam, Titan, and Sea. I would like to say thank you to all of you for sharing the ups and downs together. Also, I would like to show my appreciation to our beloved advisor, Ajarn Tim, for his valuable advice and emotional support. Lastly, I would like to say thank you to all seniors, alumni, and BBA case club members for making this journey possible. We could not come this far without your help.” - Ms. Arpanan Chantree (Nan), Accounting, 3rd year
“UW GBCC is my first international case competition, and it is such an honor representing Chulalongkorn University in this competition. Despite the fact that we were unable to attend the competition physically, I still believe that this will always be one of the most memorable experiences in my university life. Going through 3-day case competition was very challenging, but all of us were trying our best and put a lot of effort, so in the end, I am so proud that we made it to the final round. I am very thankful for my teammates - P’Sam, Titan, and Nan - who have been through ups and downs along this journey together. Lastly, I would like to thank Aj. Tim, our advisor, for all the support since the beginning. This opportunity has definitely marked another memorable experience through my journey at BBA Chula.” – Ms. Pimlaplus Chatvattananon, Finance, 3rd year